Friday, April 27, 2012

Presentation of our proyect

I hope that all you enjoy hearing our presentation because it has some surprises!! :)

Question for the teacher!

I need to fix my page, because it's missing information, how could I do that? And can we add music to our presentation? Thank you.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

our fuengirola

Today I have been finishing my proyect so our presentation tomorrow can be perfect! 
I'm going to look for some more photos. 
I hope that you'll enjoy it very much tomorrow.

Our Fuengirola

Today in our proyect i have been writting about shopping centre Miramar and tomorrow i will tell you about this in our exposition

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Our fuengirola.

I have been working on our proyect today, because yesterday I didn't have the time, and next week we have to expose our proyect. I have updated our bibliography, but it wasnt easy finding the sources i've used, because I basically use my own words. 
I hope that you have enjoyed our proyect if you have read it, and if there's anything specific you want us to talk about next week, feel free to ask!

Friday, April 20, 2012

The final countdown

There's only one week left for my group (Greek Mythology) to do our final oral presentation. Our paper due is nearly finished and we're meeting at Inma's place to practice. Everything's turning out fine and it seems our presentation's gonna be fun.

Feel free to ask anything about our paper due or greek mythology; with everything we've learnt about greek myths we can answer any question!

K. Brand
I've been working on my paper due and I focused on the organization of our essay's work in which I have to talk about the titans. I started on preparing my oral presentation for the 27th of April and I think that our paper due will be very ineteresting.


Greek Mith.

I'm going to place vertically the doc. I'm going to summary the heroes and organization the oral presentation that we are going to have next week.
I'm going to focus on correcting the main errors of the previous term we had. I will create a table of contents, matching each content with its own page. We're also going to prepare our "Power Point" for our oral presentation the 27th of April.

Any question will be welcome!

Ana D.


Today we haven't had class, so I have been looking for some information at home. Now, you can see the information that we have obtained about the psychologist Carl Rogers. Bea has looked for this information, and Maria has investigated on another important psychologist, Sigmund Freud.

Friday, April 13, 2012

For Paranormal Phenomena

Hi components of the Paranormal Phenomena. I have been reading a part of your project and I have liked very much. "POCITO'S TWINS" is very interesting, and the images are enough impactant. I would like to keep on reading next day more, and I hope to see more photos, which seem essential to me to explain this topic. Congratulations