Friday, December 16, 2011

Paran. Phenom.

Today I inserted the pictures related whit the two urban legends that i have told.
in these pictures not appear the
real protagonists but if serve for reference.


After looking for information about the movie the fourth kind I found out that its not a true story, it was invented by holliwood, it was a marketing strategy to make more people watch the movie. Here's some links that talk about it:

Monday, December 12, 2011

Hello, today I have been writing about the square of the constitution. An ideal place to stay with friends or family.
I have to add any images yet.

Paran. Phenom

I searched information about a very strange history,The elf of Zaragoza.
A case certainly disturbing. But honestly I do not think that today a case like this had the impact it had at the time. Keep in mind that many years have passed and that only reliable data about what happened and perhaps now if this happened again they would not find so shocking, who knows ... What do you think?
I leave you a video of the "Cuarto milenio" program dealing with this history.
Part 1:
Part 2:

Sunday, December 11, 2011


Hey yesterday I was surfing on internet when I found something interesting, a new japanese invention, the digital tactil guitar! Check this video it´s awesome: kitara testing

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Paran. Phenom.

The last friday i was search information about a legend "La Llorona" of a woman who loses her children and turned into bansheed.

Friday, December 9, 2011

Paran. Phenom

Today I finished entering one of the versions about "THE LEGENT OF VERONICA" , well known by all.
personally I dare not say whether it happened or not really, because I have a lot of respect for those things. but I think that people should not take these things lightly.

Friday, December 2, 2011

Our Fuengirola.

Today i've been writting about the new River Park in Fuengirola, near the Miramar shopping center and the Sohail Castle. I have also put up some photos, taken by night. I hope you enjoy reading it!

Friday, November 25, 2011

Our Fuengirola

Today Sandra and me have been looking for information about the ''Route of the Erotic Tapa''. We have put some information in our proyect, but we still have to give our opinion about this topic and adit some photos. It's an amusing topic that has been succesfull in Fuengirola, and we hope that you enjoy reading it.


Today Jaxeline didn't come so i haven't done much, I just looked up information up on the internet to put it up when we're together.


Today, we are still looking for information and saving it on an apart document.
Next, we will put the information in order and will publish it on the doc.
We are searching for pictures and even videos, but we can't find any video about phicgholgy, so we'll contunue working on it, we hope to show you some videos the next week if we can.

Our Fuengirola

Me and Sara Horcas have been writting, and looking for information about the Sohail Castle. We still need to put up some photos.


Last week I was looking for information about the movie "the fourth kind" that's supposed to be a true story. Heres a link of the movie:
Today i'm looking for information to confirm that the story is true heres a link that talks about it:


Today we've been searching for information the genealogyc tree of Gods and Heroes. We're creating a new doc for each one of them with photos and information about them. We bond these geneologyc tree directly with their names.


The last Tuesday Victor, Miguel Angel and I, we found many information about our different topic, I was loocking for tipicals small festivals and tipicals games about this.
Victor was loocking for the mecanic and automovilis tecnology.
Migue Ángel was loocking for the different wars and leaders about this.

Friday, November 18, 2011

Paran. Phenom

Today I will tell you the history and legends of this landmark building Malagueño, Cortijo Jurado, the much-rumored and that more than one occasion been attributed macabre stories that are more typical of horror stories of true history of this place and its past.
My personal opinion about the legend of this farm, is that all the myths surrounding the data "cortijo jurado" are too uncertain and unreliable, whichmakes me think that nothing dark happened there


Today im going to talk about the legend of Belmez's faces,the most important paranormal phenomenal in the XXI century.
True or fraud?

Effects of music in people

Today Ivanna has been loking for information about the effects of music in people and I wrote a summary of it. At the end of te Doc. we have posted the link of the page where we looked for the information.


This is the video that I said That i would put.(The video is in 1080p). :)!


Friday, November 11, 2011


Today Jaxeline didn't come to school, so I did a little introduction to what our project's going to be about in our DOC. , we are going to begin explaining in general the effect of music in the human being. Next week we'll begin to look up for more information on the internet and we'll put it up on our DOC.

Our Fuengirola

Today me and my group has been writting about a morocan place where you can drink tea, called ''La Mezquita''
And when we get home we will put up some photos on the doc.

Paran. Phenom

Today i posted our document, an urban legend, Pocito's Twins.
Between knowing that is real or imaginary, i think, in my opinion, is a very interesting and beautiful story.
What do you think?


I am looking for information about Greek Gods, like Zeus, Aphrodite, Ares and some more.


I'm working with Inma in order to search information about main myths and the main Gods that ruled over Greece, its heroes and legendary beasts.



Today, Maricarmen and Ruben are editing the blog and posting what we are doing and things about our project.
Antonio and Mauro are looking for psychological problems on internet and writing on an archive what they are finding.
Bea and María are searching for famous psychologists what discoverments they did and their biography.

About the doc, we have just started it, we have the title and an introduction, and we are going to keep working on it the next week.

Content and structure for individual pojects' page

Hi guys, I've seen some of you working on your projects already. That's good!
In this post I'd like to give you some guidelines to standardise the look and the content of your groups' pages in the blog:
1st thing to appear should be the name of the project.
2nd shoul list the members of the group.
3rd justification for your projects (Why have decided to take the project on)
and Finally, the link to the google doc where you are to develop your project.
Regarding deadline to accomplish this task: 18/11/2011 after which administration privilleges on the blog will be revoked. So please, hurry up and make sure you follow the instructions and carry out the task in time.
Best regards.
Jose L

Friday, November 4, 2011

Our Fuengirola.

Today Andrea, Sandra and me, have been working about Halloween on our proyect, and we have finished it.


Hello, I am Ángel, I am working on the different social events, by now I have information about "Salón Del Manga", this parties take places in different months, and are the most famous events in the country, and many people knows them. I will put a video, for this events, but the video is in Canada. (Because many countries have this events, but Japan do the best ones).


I've been searching for information about greek heroes, like Hercules, and the habits the used to have by treating them like idols...



I've been looking for some of the most important greek myths, like the myth of how the earth was created, the first Gods to rule the world, the birth of human beings...

Hope you enjoy it

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Japanese robotics

Well, I´ve been looking for videos and information about robotics, and here is a video with explanations of the applications of these robots to health, leisure and other things...
I hope you enjoy it: Japanese robotics.

By: Víctor Camacho.

Friday, October 28, 2011


Hi guys,
It's time you create the googledocs in which you're going to develop your projects.

As I said, you also have to share it with every member of the group and of course, let me view and comment on it ! Please, make sure you set your doc as "public" in the web so that everyone with the link could reach it.

Once the doc has been created, post the link to it in your project's own page, next leave a comment to this post to give evidence you've done your job.

If you find any problems, you will be more than wellcome to ask in the blog. I'm sure any of your classmates or myself could help you.

Best regards.
Your Teacher

Friday, October 14, 2011

Japón el país del sol naciente.

Bueno, nuestro grupo va a hacer un proyecto sobre Japón tal y como anuncia el titulo.
Nuestro grupo consta de los siguientes componentes con sus correspondientes tareas:

Ángel Osorio- Que se encargará de investigar sobre las fiestas, el ocio y la cultura.

Miguel Ángel Ramos Tro- Que buscará e investigará sobre la historia japonesa.

Víctor Camacho Sánchez- Que indagará sobre el tema de la tecnología.

Espero que el proyecto salga bien y que termine siendo un gusto para todos. Intentaremos aportar lo máximo posible.

Con esto cierro esta entrada.


Hola, buenas tardes.
Nuestro grupo va a hacer el trabajo de psicología y otras cosas relacionadas con la mente humana.
Los componentes del grupo son:
Rubén del Río
Mauro Pernas
María del Carmen Gonzalez
Beatriz Ramírez
María Gomez
Antonio Rodriguez

Thursday, October 13, 2011

DEADLINE (Groups and Projects)

Hi guys !

Hope you all have had a very nice fair, but now we have to get back to work.
This is just to let you know that FRIDAY 14th Oct. is the deadline to post the final groups you've made and the topic of your projects.

I've only received details from 1 group so far and most of you haven't even accepted the invitation to join the group yet.

Just a small piece of advice: Be responsable.
Jose L.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Here is the first doc I want to share with you.

Click on the link below and you'll get the file in a .pdf format.



Hi guys, first and foremost I need your email accounts ASAP so that I'm able to join you up as blog editors. Only signed in people will be able to edit and update the blog.
So please, email me a list with all your addresses in, to:
Remember, a single list with all the students' email accounts separated by commas.
Jose L.


This will be the blog for our subject this school year.
In this home page you will have to keep updating the reports on your progress, asking questions to me or any other class mates and writing comments on your ouwn and other's projects.
You will also find in this homepage all the information I may find relevant for the successful accomplishment of your projects.

Every group will have a static page of their own which will be named the same way as their project. You will use this particular page to develop the final version of your projects. There you will be able to upload pictures, documents, links and any other valuable information.

Every student must be a follower for this blog and therefore become a member. It is only this way that you will be able to update and add comments on the projects.

Good luck to you all and looking forward to your projects !!!
Your teacher Jose L.