Friday, December 16, 2011

Paran. Phenom.

Today I inserted the pictures related whit the two urban legends that i have told.
in these pictures not appear the
real protagonists but if serve for reference.


After looking for information about the movie the fourth kind I found out that its not a true story, it was invented by holliwood, it was a marketing strategy to make more people watch the movie. Here's some links that talk about it:

Monday, December 12, 2011

Hello, today I have been writing about the square of the constitution. An ideal place to stay with friends or family.
I have to add any images yet.

Paran. Phenom

I searched information about a very strange history,The elf of Zaragoza.
A case certainly disturbing. But honestly I do not think that today a case like this had the impact it had at the time. Keep in mind that many years have passed and that only reliable data about what happened and perhaps now if this happened again they would not find so shocking, who knows ... What do you think?
I leave you a video of the "Cuarto milenio" program dealing with this history.
Part 1:
Part 2:

Sunday, December 11, 2011


Hey yesterday I was surfing on internet when I found something interesting, a new japanese invention, the digital tactil guitar! Check this video it´s awesome: kitara testing

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Paran. Phenom.

The last friday i was search information about a legend "La Llorona" of a woman who loses her children and turned into bansheed.

Friday, December 9, 2011

Paran. Phenom

Today I finished entering one of the versions about "THE LEGENT OF VERONICA" , well known by all.
personally I dare not say whether it happened or not really, because I have a lot of respect for those things. but I think that people should not take these things lightly.

Friday, December 2, 2011

Our Fuengirola.

Today i've been writting about the new River Park in Fuengirola, near the Miramar shopping center and the Sohail Castle. I have also put up some photos, taken by night. I hope you enjoy reading it!